7 Tips To Improve Your Emotional Health

emotional health

Emotional health refers to a person’s mental or emotional well-being. An emotionally healthy person is resilient, confident, have control over their thoughts and emotions, can keep trials and challenges in perspective, and can build positive relationships with others.

What affects your emotional health? Your emotional health can be affected by events such us suffering an illness, getting a job promotion, moving to a new home, getting a divorce, having a child leave, having financial problems, among others. This is what we know as mind/body connection when your body responds to the way you feel, think, and act. 

What Emotional Health Really Is

Emotional health is a balance between your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual well-being. It is the ability to feel and respond to your emotions in a healthy way. Your emotional health includes things such as:

  • Your ability to manage stress
  • Being optimistic about your life
  • Living in the present and letting go of the past
  • It can be strengthened with love, friendship, social supports, and your sense of being part of your community.

When we have emotional health, we respond to emotions instead of reacting. 


Emotional Health Worksheet

1.. I find it easy to relax and express my feelings freely.

2. I manage stress well.

3. I have close friends, relatives, or others I can talk to about personal matters and call on for help.

 4. I participate in group activities (such as church and community organizations) or hobbies that I enjoy.

5 I have a job or do other work that I like.

How to add your scores:

  • Almost always: 2 points
  • Sometimes: 1 point
  • Never: 1 point

What Your Scores Mean

Scores of 9 and 10–Excellent!

Scores of 6–8– Good, but there is room for improvement.

Scores of 0–5–You have to take action immediately to improve your emotional health

What is your Emotional Health Score? 

What are the benefits of emotional health?

Some of the benefits of emotional health include

  • Empowers people to make better decisions because they can manage emotions, thoughts, and feelings. 
  • Approach life with optimism
  • Be more productive, therefore move closer to your goals and feel good about yourself
  • Enjoy relationships
  • Improve physical health. The connection between emotional and physical health is a two-way street. Your emotions affect your health, and your health influences your emotions. 
  • Emotionally healthy people generally lead a happy, positive, and productive life.
See also  7 Dimensions of Wellness

7 Tips To Improve Your Emotional Health

To be emotionally healthy is not the absence of emotional problems. To be emotionally healthy is to be positive. To help promote emotional well-being, here are the 7 ways to be emotionally healthy.

· Tip #1: Smile. Smiling or laughing gives off a happy vibe. The simple gesture of smiling can help you feel more content, can help you see a more positive outlook in life, and can dissolve tense situations, thus improving your mood.

 · Tip #2: Take care of your body. Physical health is related to emotional health. A person who is physically healthy often feels good about himself. If a person is comfortable with himself, he is less likely to be critical to others and can cope up with stress much more easily. Improving yourself also gives you a sense of accomplishment.

 · Tip #3: Have an emotional check. Emotional checks are important to help you control your feelings. If you feel a little bit on the negative side, stop, and assess your feelings immediately.

 Ask yourself why you feel this way and think of the things that may have contributed to it. Then, reorient yourself and think of positive things to relieve this tension. This way, you will be able to control your emotions and know yourself better.

 · Tip #4: Think positive. Thinking positive is not always an easy task, especially if you are under a lot of stress. It takes time to learn the art of optimism, so practice often. An optimist finds positive in almost every situation. Do not focus on your weaknesses and start improving your strengths. Don’t look unto your failures, but strive to make the right decisions. If everything does not go right, then go left.

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 · Tip #5: Stay connected. Maintaining open and honest relationships can help you deal with emotional stress. Talking to a friend or loved one can relieve you of the emotional burden that is carrying. And these relationships can work for both of your emotional health.

 · Tip #6: Learn to effectively channel your feelings. If you are feeling rather cranky today, try to vent these feelings to energetic activities like boxing. If you are feeling down, try doing something that might cheer you up. Try a new hobby or cook for the family. Eat your favorite foods or hang out with your friends.

 · Tip #7: Take time out. Doing work or studying all the time can burn out even the most energetic person. Take time off and do things that you wanted to do. Indulge yourself once in a while. Relax your mind, body, and soul. Contemplate your life and appreciate all the good things that you have received. Make sure that you prioritize resting your mind and body above all else.

It’s so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your emotional energy. Losing you’re cool makes you tired. Getting angry a lot messes with your health. Joyce Meyer

Questions to identify your emotions

You can start monitoring your emotions answering the following questions

  • What am I feeling? What emotions?
  • What emotion is the most prominent?
  • What might have triggered this emotion/emotions?
  • What is going on in my life right now?
  • Am I getting along with my family?
  • How is my work?
  • Do I have issues at work?    
  • How am I reacting to these emotions?

It is important to understand the difference between emotions and feelings. According to Antonio Damasio in his model: feelings are sparked y emotions; he explains that emotions initiate feelings, and feeling in turn, initiate emotions. 

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 Whereas emotions are inborn and common to us all, the meanings they acquire, and the feelings they prompt are very personal. There are different ways to feel a particular emotion. 

When we understand the difference between emotions and feelings, we can explain why our feelings can be so different from someone else. 

 Answering this question will help you to identify your emotions, what triggers them, and how you are responding or reacting in the present moment. 

38 Ways To Improve Your Emotional Health

Corey Wayne, a Life, and Peak Performance Coach, explains in this video 38 ways you can use to manage your emotional state. He says that having good emotional health is essential to finding joy and happiness on a continual and perpetual basis in life. 

 He also explains that move our bodies has a tremendous impact on the emotions that we experience internally. The quickest way to change our emotional state is to change how we are physically moving. The more positive and optimistic you are, the happier and richer your life experience will be. The more negative and pessimistic you are, the more disappointing and depressing your life experience will be. 

Good emotional health is crucial to your well-being. Your negative emotions and reactions will not allow you to feel joy, happiness, and have harmonious relationships. Including your health will deteriorate If you lack emotional health. 

If you are not sure how to improve your emotional health, consider working with a therapist or another mental health professional. They can help you to find out what is bothering you, identify your emotions, and have a plan you can implement right away. 


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