Dealing with loneliness
Loneliness is defined as a feeling in which people experience a profound sense of emptiness and solitude. It is often compared to feeling empty, unwanted, and unimportant. Someone who is lonely may find it hard to form strong interpersonal relationships.
Dealing with loneliness can be complicated. Do frequently feel empty and alone?. The common symptoms of loneliness are
inner emptiness, isolation, and alienation. The lonely person wants company but has difficulty in socializing with others because of a sense of disconnection. It is a feeling of disconnection with the world.
Feeling isolated is having difficulty to associate with others is a sign of low self-esteem. The person has a hard time overcoming loneliness, wants company and cannot find it because of the inner feelings of separation with the world.
Loneliness isn’t t the same as solitude. Solitude is to make the choice to lack contact with others. Very often people enter solitude when the participate in a silence retreat or meditation. Solitude is a sign of a healthy self esteem, it is a choice to be with oneself and enjoy the moment.
Tips for dealing with loneliness
- Take action. Rich out to friends. From time to time, all people need help to overcome challenges. Find a great book. Do exercise. Talk to a therapist an so on. Don’t get immobilized by feeling lonely, take action and find help.
- Learn to be alone. Have a good relationship with yourself. Being alone will help you see life from a different perspective. If you feel lonely from any of the causes mentioned above, you will have the right tools when dealing with loneliness.
- Building self esteem. Learn how to feel good about yourself by accepting and respecting who you are. Create boundaries. Some causes of loneliness include feelings of rejection, abused, unable to fit in and even intolerance to critics. The protection is isolation to avoid harm. This sense of isolation isn’t a choice, and they feel lonely. Other causes are Missing someone. A broken relationship. Fired from a job and so on.
Other causes: Facing a broken relationship or missing somebody because the person is far away or died. Even being fired from a job. In this case, these feeling are only temporary is a healthy period of growth and change. - Do volunteer work, feel good about yourself by helping others.
Overcoming Loneliness And Making Friends
When Women Walk Alone: Finding Strength and Hope Through the Seasons of Life
“We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone”. Orson Welles.