Smartphones The invisible addiction That Links With Low Self Esteem and Anxiety

girls smartphones

It is a known fact that smartphones make most people especially the youth completely antisocial. They make them oblivious to the immediate surrounding as one tends to immerse themselves in the online platform.

Eventually, this indifference to the environment causes one to lose self-esteem.

Studies have shown that indulging in phones can affect the frame of mind and lead to unhappiness. Imbalance in our frame of mind causes emotional stress. This proves that putting your phones aside brings about many health benefits.

Although smartphones have several uses such as communication tools, productivity tools, and community development through innovation; it is imperative that we communicate with people and not seek them through a virtual space. This will not only improve your mental attitude but will, in turn, boost your self-esteem.

Cell phone addiction is almost a mental disorder. It is known as nomophobia which is the fear of being without a smartphone. Here are some warning signs that show that you are addicted:

·         Failure to complete tasks

·         Having no social life with family and friends.

·         Sneaking around to use your smartphone

·         Waking up in the night to check your phone

·         Anxiety of leaving your phone

How does usage of smartphone correlate with social anxiety and loneliness

smartphone-social anxiety and loneliness

Personal relationships are vital to a person’s mental health. Anxiety and loneliness significantly affect the psychological functions which affect personal relationships. Using your smartphone has provided a way for people to acquire insight concerning their activities.

Research has shown that there is a relation between smartphone use and psychological behaviors such as self-esteem and personality traits.

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In general, people suffering from high levels of anxiety and loneliness received fewer phone calls. This proves a correlation between smartphone use behaviors in relation to anxiety and loneliness.


Selfies addiction

Technological advancement has provided new addiction. Smartphone has penetrated daily activities that it has been addictive. Most smartphones are equipped with high pixel cameras to capture your life events. Many take photos and posting them on social media accounts with the intention of attracting positive comments from their followers. This has lead to a selfie addiction disorder.

The selfie has become so common that it was the word of the year in 2013 by Oxford English Dictionary. Everyone has taken a selfie at any given time.

There’s no known scientific management for a selfie. Therefore avoiding your phone entirely is an excess step. It is only required for extreme events. Nowadays it’s not possible to get a phone that has no camera features.

Research is paramount to curb this addiction as it’s a growing disorder affecting population all over the world. Soon enough it will find its way up the ranks as Global Burden of Diseases.

Facebook addiction

Facebook has become so prevalent worldwide. It has so many users that one can easily stretch your hand and touch a Facebook user.

Facebook addiction has trampled over this generation. In fact, it’s so rampant that it can be seen through a brain scan. It affects the grey matter of the brain the same way that cocaine does. It is mostly one of the most widely used social media platform.

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Facebook has encompassed all avenues of interaction in people’s life. Here are ways to recognize that you have a problem.

·         First thing you do in the morning is checking your Facebook

·         Nothing excites you more than the social media interaction

·         One can’t go for long without Facebook


Once you find that you are sharing your private details on Facebook then you know there is a problem. This is because you end up regretting your actions in the end once you start getting negative comments.

Once one is addicted to something they get a fulfillment once we get just a simple dose of it.

Keeping an eye on Facebook

This happens when you are always checking on your Facebook. Your default pass time is going through Facebook. When you find that Facebook is in the background and you keep stealing time to peruse from time to time.

In social gatherings, you find that you keep checking your news feed when activities are taking place.

 checking on your FacebookMinding about the Facebook Image

Spending time thinking about your next status update or the comments about it. One becomes more concerned about the reaction from others and how your image has been projected in the online world. One spends time thinking of ways to impress your friends or posting something catchy.

Reporting On Facebook

Almost everyone on social media never fail to report on Facebook. It’s more of an obsession to have the need to post something.

Spending most of your time on Facebook

One of the signs to show that there is a problem is by spending much of your time on Facebook daily. It becomes a problem when you find yourself on Facebook instead of sleeping.

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Compromising normal life

It’s a tell-tale sign that you are addicted when you find yourself more comfortable socializing online than in real life. One starts postponing social meetups in order to get more time to socialize online.

All these signs should be taken into accounting while diagnosing technological addiction. It is important to note your problem and work on it before it leads to the real mental issue like bringing down your self-esteem.

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