Catherine Cardinal | Self-Esteem Expert

Catherine cardinal

Catherine Cardinal, Ph. D., is a psychotherapist, hypnotherapy, and movement expressing therapist. She has a private practice in California and is on staff at Esteem Associates in Los Angeles. [1]

Catherine Cardinal definition of Self Esteem

Self esteem is learning to trust ourselves, to trust our instincts, to develop a rapport with our body and its messages. If we can learn to listen to our own inner self, then we will make healthier choices, and healthier choices are a major building block of self esteem.

Self Esteem Commitment

And so
I, one of the children of Earth,
Do commit to treat myself fairly,
Refusing to be a martyr or victim,
And will do my best to move forward in life
with confidence and self-esteem
Deep down I know this is my true design
I am created in the image and likeness of
the highest power that exists.
I embody this… I choose to love myself.
And so it is.
Amen. Catherine Cardinal.

Catherine Cardinal Self Esteem Quotes

  • As we mature, one of the primary areas where compatibility is important is in dealing with crisis. We all go through periods of growth, of trauma, of stress. But how we deal with these is vital to successful relationships.
  • Self esteem seeks a consistent and sane environment where shock, confusion and chaos ar at a minimum.
  • So, speak out!. Be free to say: Yes. Free to say: No. Free to change your mind. Your self esteem will love you for it.

Catherine Cardinal Books



1. Catherine Cardinal. 1998. The Ten Commandments of Self-Esteem. United States. Andrews McMeel Publishing.

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