What is the difference between low self-esteem and insecurity?

low self esteem

It is important to reflect on our feelings at times to keep ourselves healthy. Everyone goes through feelings of low self-esteem or a situation that makes them anxious but if it happens in a recurring pattern then that’s a problem. It is important to differentiate between feelings of low self-esteem and insecurity and how that impacts our life and the people around us. Feelings of low self-esteem can arise from not having a healthy childhood, being unappreciated, bullying, fear of being humiliated or ridiculed, and feelings of not being good enough as a person. People feel all sorts of emotions and it is normal to feel these emotions but if it starts bothering you and creates a hindrance in your daily life and relationships then that’s negative emotions.

What causes insecurity? insecurity can be caused by fear of learning new skills, lack of self confidence, fear of physical appearance , fear of rejection, fear of failure, comparing yourself to others. 

What are the signs of insecurity?

Feelings of low self-esteem can give space to anxiety and ultimately insecurity. If you don’t find yourself worthy of love, appreciation, and care then you will push people away and deprive yourself of the much deserved love and attention. Insecurity can become a great challenge for not only you but people around you. It has the potential to lead to the development of toxic traits.

What is low self-esteem and insecurity and the differences:

If you’re someone who is going through all the above-mentioned emotions and feelings then these might be the signs of low self-esteem and insecurity. Someone depriving themselves of love and relationships, of opportunities and success and support just because they can’t trust themselves let alone anyone else. If you always end up blaming yourself in a situation, think of yourself as unworthy of love and appreciation, can’t withstand anything without constantly complaining about it then this might be a sign that you need help. Feelings of low self-esteem can give rise to feelings of insecurity, jealousy, and toxic traits if you don’t acknowledge and accept it as a problem and seek help for it. When you’re running high on all those negative emotions and you can’t see positivity in anything and it all seems like a futile effort that is the time to give yourself the break.

See also  The importance of Self Esteem - 12 Reasons Why is so important

It can be the most difficult to acknowledge and accept that something is wrong with you and it needs attention but there’s no shame in acknowledging it because if you will choose not to then it will start impacting your life sooner or later. You will end up depriving yourself of opportunities because you don’t think yourself to be capable of getting those. You will deny yourself the right to be happy and loved because you don’t love yourself enough. It can go even worse than that if untreated and will start affecting your loved ones. You shouldn’t suffer in silence and nor should you deprive yourself of self-love, opportunities, relationships, and friendships just because you couldn’t get past this negative perception of yourself. We tend to build negative perceptions of ourselves which are not realistic and are utterly untrue. Each one of us deserves happiness and love.

If you are still struggling with low self esteem enroll in the 10 Steps To Solid Self Esteem

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