Depression and Low Self Esteem

depression low self estem

Depression – I would like to focus in this article on low self esteem as a symptom of depression. Have you ever asked yourself the question: Do I feel depress?.

There are different types of depression. Depression affects the way one feels about oneself and also the way one thinks about things. It involves the moods and thoughts and as a result it will influence the way a person behaves.

A negative mind set will influence our feelings. All of us have been through temporary states of depression. I call it temporary states of depression because this state can be the consequence of a trauma: loosing a job, breaking a relationship, the death of a love one and so on.

When we go through these circumstances many negative thoughts arise about yourself and you says: “nobody will love me”, ” I am a failure”, or about your situation: “I will never get another job”, “I am different”. Even about your future: “things will never change”, “I won’t be able to handle this”.

If you find yourself in a temporary state of depression work on building your self esteem and find the causes of your depression. Here are some ideas on how to deal with a temporary state of depression:

  1. If you have experienced a lost, do the grieving and feel your emotions to release all the negative pain. Accept the fact that you are going through a temporary state of depression. We all have misfortunes and problems. Don’t dwell on self-pity.
  2. Boost Self Esteem by taking care of yourself. Eat well, do exercise , it will help you to reduce stress, improve mental health and physical health and get a restful sleep. Try to d spend time with love ones, read a good book.·If you feel miserable, angry, sad, have difficulties sleeping without any apparent reason, see your doctor for an examination to determine your cause of depression.
  3. Remember that a temporary state of depression does not make you a failure or worthless. Look at each area of your life like career, relationships, health, finances, etc. and identify the problem areas. Then develop a realistic plan to meet your goals for the affected area. You can also look for a Counseling Service,you can also take an Online Class. Taking responsibility for as much of the healing process as possible is the first step toward more confidence and self esteem.
See also  What is the difference between low self-esteem and insecurity?

On my own experience, there were times that I have experienced what is call a temporarily depression specially when things did not happened the way I liked, when I had the idea that something was going wrong and so on. Depression hurts the sufferer and also family and close friends.

What I have learned is that if you have a healthy self esteem you will understand that you are going through a temporary depress state. However, if you have a low self esteem you will have a tendency to feel more negatively about yourself and you will depress more.

A healthy self esteem starts with taking good care of yourself and being aware that you are going through a depress state. It does not mean that you are going to force yourself to feel good; it means that you are capable to recognize your feelings, your situation and learn from it.

“Why do you stay in prison?.
When the door is so wide open?.
Move outside the tangle of fear thinking.
Live in silence”. By Jalal ad-Din Rumi.

When you treat yourself with care and love you will start to understand more clearly what is the cause of your depression. Building self-esteem will give you the necessary tools to cope with depression. However, if you are suffering clinical depression you must see a medical doctor right away.

I have become down-hearted, I have become discouraged, I have become depressed. I’m just like you. I’m a human being and I have my problems.
Dyan Cannon.

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